We went back to a place before plastic was invented.
What would it be like if we hadn't invented the plastic we all know.
Plastic has helped us, sure, but has it helped our environment?
Plastic has been an issue for quite some time now.
Plastic — may it be plastic bottles, plastic cups, plastic utensils, & plastic bags, can live up to 500 years, so how are we to dispose them? Burn them? bury into the ground? Thinking that we use them every day, it would just pile up into a landmass of plastic.
And a lot of the plastic makes it way to the bodies of water, in rivers, streams, oceans, and more - killing a lot of sea creatures in the process. The fish we may eat right now could have consumed plastic as well, making it possible for us to already have plastic consumed.
If only they have thought of a better substance to make plastic with, something that could be less harmful but has the function of our plastic in the present.
Let's go back to the present
It's nice to know some people have made an effort:
But plastic is still a problem we have to solve. More people needs to acknowledge it more. Especially those who are in position, those who we voted for. They are not in the highest position, we are, they are supposed to listen to the people in need, the people they are to serve.
Let's help mother nature, hand in hand, save her before humanity pays the price.